The Art of the Close Shave: A Step-by-Step Guide

Kyle Newell • Sep 30, 2020

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There’s a whole bunch that went into that decision, but what I want to discuss today is the tough time I went through when I was FREE and able to work all day before heading into Newell Strength.

I thought that my schedule would be fantastic, I would have 8 hours or so of open time to create and work on the business. Well, that quickly turned into 4 hours and even then, it took me quite some time to figure out how to manage myself.

One of the hardest things to do as far as your ‘art’, is actually sitting down to do it. The creative process isn’t the hard part, it’s carving out the time to plop your behind in the chair.

You want to create something, you have some passion, I know you do because otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this.

Sit down, map out each step that needs to happen and then take the smallest possible step towards your creation, preferably today, if not, then at some point this week.

Don’t allow ideas to just bounce around in your head. Put pen to paper.

Be Unconventional - Kyle

P.S-If you’re not subscribed to my podcast, Unlocking Your Inner Strength, then you are missing out! Each week, I dive into 12-15 minutes of something that’ll be sure to pique your interest and grow your mind, allowing you to unlock some of that inner strength that is hiding within you. All you gotta do is go here and click the subscribe button:

P.P.S-My new book, The Panda Diet, is out and selling like hot cakes. In fact, I won’t be surprised if it's the number one book in its niche before the year is over. If you are interested in my methods, you can go to

and pick up a copy. And don’t forget to leave a review:).

P.P.P.S-If you are interested in one on one Coaching with me in terms of Mind Map and taking your life to a whole new level, send me a text, 908-229-6666. I am taking on 4 new clients this coming year. It’s for serious inquiries only and it’s a hefty investment (it’ll pay off 10X).